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"I'm fine, Brug. Really. I just have a bruise on the back of my
Again she tried to step back without success.
"I don't think I got a chance to thank you for your rescue this
morning," she added quickly.
"You don't need to thank me."
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And the front door opened, bringing another gust of cold air and
"I'm so glad that crazy horse didn't hurt you any worse." Brug ruffled
her hair and released her then, turning to Adam with a smile.
"You were right. She didn't obey. She was here in the kitchen with
Adam radiated tension.
"I put water on for hot chocolate," Martha stated.
"Was anyone out there?"
"Someone was out there, all right," Adam said in a cold, flat voice.
"But he disappeared into the snow."
Brug nodded.
"It's snowing like crazy. There were prints along the side of the
house, but they were already disappearing when Pete and I got there. We
probably muddled them looking for Adam."
"Where is Pete?" Martha asked.
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"He and Tim are checking the roads to see if the gate's been opened or
if there's any sign of a truck." Adam's voice was as frosty as the
"Go out and have another look around, Brug. Check the barn and the
pens. Obviously, everything is secure in here."
"Okay," Brug said cheerfully. He appeared unaware of the
"Hey, Martha, how about a thermos of hot chocolate to go for us poor
frozen heroes?"
Martha shot Josy a frozen look of her own before turning back to the
kitchen. Adam, Josy noted, didn't remove his coat or his gloves.
"Are you going back out?" she asked.
"Yeah. Go upstairs and get some rest. You've had enough excitement
for one day."
Josy flushed uncertainly. Did his emphasis on excitement refer to the
prowler, or what had happened between them in the living room? Surely
he wasn't angry because Brug had hugged her. The man was hugging
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Martha now, flirting openly and calling her darling, as well. Adam
wasn't jealous. Was he?
Of course not. More likely, he was mad she hadn't followed
"Do you think it was the person from last night?"
"We don't get a lot of Peeping Toms out here in the middle of nowhere.
Go to bed."
Josy stared in mute surprise. Adam was furious. At her!
"You go jump in the lake, Adam Ryser. I'm not some dog you can order
about. Oh, I forgot, you don't have much success there, either, do
She pivoted on her heel. It would have made a great exit if her leg
hadn't buckled. Adam caught her before she disgraced herself
completely by falling at his feet. Even though he wore gloves, his
touch sent a current of energy right through her.
"Let me go."
"What's got you all riled up?"
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"I said--let ... me ... go."
Surprised by her tone, he released her. "What's the matter with
Josy summoned up her best glare.
"I have a headache." His eyes widened farther.
"Just try not to get yourself shot, okay? The girls need you."
As exits went, it wasn't her best, but she limped away to dead silence,
aware of the other two observers who stood in the kitchen doorway.
Every eye was riveted on her as she mounted the open staircase. In the
kitchen, the kettle whistled forlornly.
adam climbed the stairs an hour later. Snow had ruined any chance of
tracking the intruder. Tim did find a place where a truck-size vehicle
had parked a good distance down the drive, but it appeared to have been
some time ago.
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Because it had been hidden under tall pines, snow hadn't yet covered
the oil that had leaked, matting the needles. Adam decided the driver
of the black truck had probably switched vehicles. A new truck
wouldn't be leaking that much oil.
He went into his office and placed a long-distance call to the sheriff
of Hayes, Colorado, but Malcolm was on leave for the next week. In the
morning, Adam would have to call Mick and bring him up to date, not
that there was much the local police could do.
Adam was puzzled. Why hadn't the prowler shot Josy? She would have
been clearly visible from the window, and the guy had to know he stood
a real good chance of getting away clean--as he'd done. What was going
Adam paused in the upstairs hall and decided he was too tired to think
straight. Too tired and too on edge. Finding Josy in Brug's arms for
the second time in one day was playing havoc with feelings he didn't
want to be having. But here he was, ready to chew out a good foreman
for doing nothing more than comforting his wife.
The word stopped him cold. Josy was his wife. And tonight, he'd come
darn close to making it more than words on paper.
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