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not easy to be the son of the Blood Countess: he would not take actions that reminded people. In any
case, Istvan had no intention of telling him where she was. The count's staff included lawyers and tax
collectors who were frequently over-officious in attempting to enforce his rights.
He looked back. Through the windows of the Reverend Wiley's house, he could see lights. The garage,
where he knew that Barbola Harczy rested with her child, was darkened. He was Nadasdy's man. And
his family, too, came from Catiche.
It is time, he thought, for all of us to let our demons sleep.If they will.
By Francis Turner
1632 A.D.
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A hesitant knock at the door disturbed the summer afternoon of study and desultory argument.
"Who is it?" asked Thomas Healey.
The door opened and a skinny but well dressed youth, much encumbered with baggage, stood in the
dimly lit, cramped landing. Standing next to him, it was possible to make out the features of Jack
Hobson, the college porter. After a pause, in which the youth opened and shut his mouth several times
without managing to say anything, the porter spoke. "Gentlemen, this is your new lodging mate, Master
Richard Abell.A fellow commoner."
This statement was not met with rapture by either of the current occupants of the room. Thomas Healey
and his long time friend, roommate and fellow BA, Simon Gunton, had been rather dreading this moment.
They had been alone together ever since their former colleague abruptly and simultaneously inherited a
large estate and lost the paternal insistence on education. He had departed the cloisters of academia with
no intention to return.
The duo had discussed the generosity of newly rich young men with John Smith, the college President
and Bursar. They pointed to the appreciation one might have for the little courtesies such as maintaining a
place for him should he choose to return and so on. Unfortunately, it seemed that a new academic year
wiped the slate somewhat cleaner than they would prefer. Now they would have to share their rooms
withanother young snot.
"If the young gentleman would care to acquaint himself with his new companions, I'll just put the baggage
by the cot," continued the servant, as he prodded the young man into the room.
"Ah... yes. Good Day, Sirs. I trust I am not disturbing your studies excessively."
Simon Gunton decided to take pity on the new student. After all, it wasn't his fault. And at least he
wasn't one of those sprigs of the nobility who considered the entire world their servants.
"Welcome, young Abell! I'm Gunton and that scowling visage's name is Healey. Don't worry about the
scowl; he's always like that even with a pot of ale in front of him."
At that welcome the young man seemed to gain some measure of confidence. In short order he was able
to shake hands with both Gunton and Healey, swiftly supervise the placement of his luggage and escort
the porter to the door while unobtrusively slipping a coin into his hand. Then he turned back to the others
and suggested that after he had unpacked and ordered his belongings he would be pleased to purchase
some ale while they acquainted him with his new world.
An hour or so later, Gunton and Healey escorted young Abell down to the quad. They pointed out the
location of the important communal parts such as the chapel, the library, the hall and "last but most
definitely not least" the buttery. From the buttery emerged, as if on cue, two more young men and a
torrent of abuse for "idlers and wasters who have nothing better to do than sup ale and dispute rampant
speculation and gossip fit for market wives while obstructing those with gainful employment."
Healey looked at the two and called out to one of them:
"Dunster, my good man, you have wrought ruin for us all this afternoon! We are now perforce required
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to mix with the common herd in an extramural tavern and expose ourselves to who know what licentious
behavior perhaps you would like to accompany us to make amends?"
The man to whom this was addressed slightly older than his companion shrugged off the blame with
a cheerful smile
"By all means, Healey.It would seem that you have fallen upon hard times and are required to share your [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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