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recognizing it& about maker s marks and authorized traders with Gallos.
Lyasa nodded.
Marker s marks? Why would Kesrik have anything to do with traders? Cerryl
paused. You think that this has to do with Kesrik s family?
It makes sense, Lyasa murmured. Kesrik doesn t like you. His family has
access to golds and armsmen, and weapons.
Jeslek wasn t around either, added Faltar.
Nor Anya, thought Cerryl, glancing at the blond Faltar.
Kesrik-he turned white, and then it looked like he tried to throw chaos at
Sterol. Lyasa glanced at the silent Kochar and Bealtur.
That wasn t smart, said Faltar.
He tried to throw chaos? With those three standing there? Cerryl took a
mouthful of the spicy, brown-sauced burkha and noodles.
Well& there was chaos-fire everywhere. Kinowin raised his shields first,
said Lyasa, and then someone threw chaos-fire at him, and he fried Kesrik. I
think he was the one. It happened so fast.
And then? Cerryl chewed on a piece of bread to relieve the heat of the
spiced burkha.
Sterol looked around and he said something like, Scheming is not
appropriate in the Halls of the Mages.
Then they all marched off, and a couple of the lancers picked up the iron
shields, Faltar concluded.
So& Lyasa s eyes fixed on Cerryl. What was Kesrik doing? Why were you in
the sewers so late?
A pair of men with iron shields and blades attacked me, Cerryl admitted.
How did you stop them? pressed Faltar. Myral and Derka have both been
telling me how dangerous it is to cast chaos against iron, especially polished
Cerryl forced a laugh. Steam& mostly. I turned the water in the drainage
way into steam.
Lyasa smiled. You thought quickly. How did you manage that?
I don t know. Cerryl had to shrug. I knew I couldn t use chaos against
iron. I had to do something. He took another mouthful of burkha, feeling
slightly deceptive and taking refuge in eating.
How did they get down there? All the grates are locked and sealed with
chaos, Faltar pointed out.
They used an old smugglers tunnel. Myral knew about it, but it had been
bricked up years ago. They unblocked part of it.
How did they know& ? Faltar s forehead furrowed.
That s easy, said Lyasa. Cerryl walks down the streets every day. There
are sewer grates every few hundred cubits. Anyone could figure that out.
Cerryl wondered. That was true enough& but why had he been assigned the
secondary tunnel that already had an old smugglers tunnel? Someone wasn t
telling the truth, but who? Myral had said he could lie convincingly, and that
meant other mages could as well. Despite the maker s marks on the shields,
Kesrik or his family paying to have arms-men attack Cerryl didn t make sense,
especially after Ullan s words about a slender mage. But Anya wasn t from a
trader s family, not that Cerryl recalled. And why would Sterol have turned
Kesrik to ash, if the apprentice mage hadn t been guilty? All that meant there
was even more that Cerryl didn t know.
The two guards nodded as Cerryl passed them and started up the tower steps.
The nod from Hertyl was more deferential, Cerryl thought. Myral s door was
closed, and his room felt empty to Cerryl as the younger man passed the
landing. Before he had reached the third level, his steps lagged, and he was
breathing heavily when he stopped at the open landing of the uppermost level
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of the tower.
Come in, Cerryl, called Sterol through the white oak door that was not
quite closed.
Cerryl took a deep breath, squared his shoulders, took another deep breath,
and opened the brass-bound white oak door. He stepped into Sterol s apartment,
turning and closing the door to the position in which he had found it.
You can close it all the way. Sterol sat behind the desk, centered
between the white oak bookcases filled with leather-bound volumes. The High
Wizard gestured to the straight-backed chair before the desk.
Cerryl closed the door, then walked across the room and around the table
that held the circular screeing glass to take the proffered seat.
You found the missing guard. The High Wizard s hair glinted a reddish
iron gray in the light of sunset that streamed through the open tower window
at his back.
Yes, ser. He hadn t gone that far. He was hiding to the south, where the
next secondary joined the main tunnel, behind a set of steps.
Sterol nodded. There was no one else with him?
No. He was alone. At least, I didn t hear or see anyone else. Cerryl
added carefully.
Did the guards see you flame him? The High Wizard shifted his weight in
his chair, but his eyes remained on Cerryl.
I don t know how much they saw, honored Sterol. They saw me use flame.
They had to have heard Ullan scream.
He screamed? Good& excellent. That will suffice. No white guard or lancer
must ever be allowed to desert his post or duty. Sterol frowned. Why did he
He had a lance, and I struck his arm and the lance with the first
You went in front of the guards?
I wasn t supposed to be, ser?
Ah, young Cerryl& the bravery of youth. That story will indeed serve
you-and the Guild-serve us well. Sterol laughed, but the laugh faded as the
High Wizard studied the younger man. I had hoped& but you retain enough
force& more than enough& and you are bright& A quick nod followed as though
Sterol had reached a conclusion about something.
Cerryl waited.
I take it this& Ullan said nothing? Sterol s voice sharpened.
He begged for mercy.
Anything else?
Cerryl frowned. He mumbled something about being afraid& that someone had
approached him. That might have been Kesrik& but he said he didn t know, only
that whoever it was happened to be short. Cerryl smiled apologetically. I
hope you don t mind, ser, but since someone was trying to injure me, I wanted
to know if he knew anything. I did flame him, as you ordered.
Short& hmmmm& Sterol smiled broadly. I will pass that along to Jeslek&
another confirmation that Kesrik was involved. His family has been asked to
leave Fairhaven, you know. They had to have supplied the coins paid to the two
men you killed.
Yes, ser.
Now& do you remember what I told you when you first came to the tower?
Yes, ser. That I was to watch and to say nothing and to tell none but you&
and not until you asked.
Good. Sterol s face hardened. Do you honestly think that Kesrik could
have set up the attempt on you?
Ser& I do not know Fairhaven or everything about the Guild. I had some
doubts, but when one knows so little&
Sterol laughed, a short bark. You know far more than you let any know,
even me, and that is wise, so long as you remember who is High Wizard.
Yes, ser.
What do you know about Recluce?
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