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Three of Diamonds in his fifth circle so that it stops him for a while; he goes over his previous
reasons, and it might straighten him out, or he might decide to leave you anyway. It makes him think.
The Two of Diamonds is another wild card. It breaks patterns. If you want to break up a situation, if
you want to change, to get out of a direction you're going in - say you've cast a spell and you're not
happy with what you've decided to do - put the Two of Diamonds in the particular circle to break it
Then everything can fall back into place, or you can redesign it or do whatever you want. It's to blast
the old in order to create the new. You can put this card in any circle of your card spell and break up
existing patterns. Say, for instance, you are living in an area where there is no connection with the city
sewer system, and you want everybody in the neighbourhood to sign a petition to connect with the
city system.
Put the Two of Diamonds in the third circle, and you'd get everybody at least agitated in a new
direction. There's no end to what you can do with the Two of Diamonds. Don't fool around with it,
though, unless it's very important to you that things be shaken up.
Many people are afraid of the Ace of Spades, because they think that it means death - immediate
death. I think they overdid this in the opera; it's been very bad public relations for the Ace of Spades
from the start. What the card really indicates is a triumph over obstacles.
So it might be associated with bad things, because sometimes you must go through terrible things to
triumph, and this is a card that indicates that you have survived. It would indicate that something
ghastly probably will take place, but you will come through or there'd be no reason for it to show up
in a reading. In that one respect it's probably a lousy card, but inasmuch as you pull through, I
wouldn't worry about it too much.
It's a triumph over severe obstacles. It doesn't mean death, but it could: The very severe obstacle that
you triumph over could be your life, and your triumph over it would be to die and find peace. If you
have a chronic, malignant disease and are suffering terribly, and if you were to get the Ace of Spades,
your triumph over that obstacle might be passing on, but that could be interpreted as survival, too.
Death is only an isolated interpretation. It really is a very tricky card. If it's placed in the fifth circle,
for example, its interpretation is a very tricky affair, a thing that is extremely complicated, one that
would have wide repercussions if something happened to bring it out into the open, in the area of a
scandal. It indicates a sort of "cloak and dagger" existence and, if you're working for the government,
for example, it might be that someone is spying on you, that the whole place is bugged - beware. If it's
in the twelfth circle, of course, the jig is up: A horrible scandal is about to erupt concerning your
personal affairs. But in general it spells out a triumph over evil.
King of Spades is a nice card, but you wouldn't want a King of Spades in your seventh circle, perhaps,
because this would indicate a marriage partner who is the plodding type, very steady but not very
exciting, a civil-service type. It's just not adventurous enough for romantic interests. However, if it
came in the third circle, it might mean an incident like having to call the police in your
neighbourhood, and the policeman might be a very attractive individual, this might lead to something.
But as a whole it's not all that exciting. There's nothing wrong with wholesome steadiness, but it
doesn't turn me on, personally.
Queen of Spades represents your duties in life. It does not mean a dark woman any more than the
King of Spades means a dark man. In Diamonds, Hearts and Clubs there is a colour application but
not so in Spades. If it came in the tenth circle, it might be that the boss's wife is not too happy with
your putting the Four of Hearts up there. It would be a disturbance created by somebody who had a
duty type of tie on somebody. If it's in your fifth circle, it might be that your lover is married, and
can't get out of it. If it comes in your third circle, it's a heavy responsibility. If it's in the first, it might
be that an older relative is coming to live with you.
Jack of Spades shows a dissatisfaction in the way things are. If it's in your sixth, it's a dissatisfaction
with your work; in your fifth, it's a deceitful guy, a dissatisfaction with your lover. If it's in your
twelfth, be very cautious, something tricky is indicated in relation to your love affairs. Jack of Spades
means a little bit of deceit around you.
There's something lonely about situations where the Ten of Spades is involved. If it should fall in the
first circle, you're melancholy; in the second, it's a financial setback; in the third, a poor
neighbourhood; in the fourth, lonely beginnings; in the fifth, a love affair going on the rocks; in the
seventh, it could indicate a divorce or a separation; in the eighth, your partner loses money; in the
ninth, a trip being taken because of somebody sick at a distance. It's not a great card to have land
anywhere, but if you are casting a spell, and you wish to cause somebody difficulty, you use this card
in whatever area is concerned, and there will be unhappiness. It's not violent, but it's not a very happy
Nine of Spades means a responsible attitude needs developing. Say you have it in your second circle;
that would mean you have not looked at the entire picture in connection with your finances. In your
marriage, the Nine of Spades might mean that you are only looking at today and are not weighing the
effect that your actions may have tomorrow in your marriage. It suggests a careful examination of
whatever circle it falls into, with a little clearer and more open eyes.
If you want wisdom to hit your partner, place this card in the seventh circle. If there is conniving and
suspicion at the place where you work, and if you don't want to be put in the position of being a stool
pigeon, you could put the Nine of Spades up in the tenth circle, so your boss would come to [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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