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He looked down at her, studied her eyes and saw the deep rooted stubbornness glaring in
them.  I know that, but I want you to trust me to know what s best for the both of us right
She paused then said,  All right, but only on one condition.
He raised a dark brow.  And what condition is that?
 That we have dinner again tomorrow night.
It was on the tip of Brandon s tongue to tell her that he was thinking seriously about returning
to Miami tomorrow. Parker and Stephen would know soon enough that his mission hadn t
been accomplished. The thought of spending time with Cassie one more night over dinner was
something he couldn t pass up. But then, he would give her an out by suggesting a place she
probably wouldn t go along with.
 Dinner will be fine as long as we can dine at the hotel, he said.
He was surprised when she nodded and said,  All right.
Brandon nodded.  Come on, let s go back.
When they reached the terrace he stopped and turned to her.  And I might have to go back to
the States on Thursday. Something has come up that needs my attention.
He could see the disappointment in her face and it almost weakened his resolve.
 I understand. I m a businesswoman, so I know how things can come up when you least
expect them to& or want them to.
He eased down in the wicker chair to put back on his shoes and socks. He waited and then
said,  I m looking forward to having dinner with you tomorrow.
 So am I.
He glanced up at her, intrigued by the eagerness in the tone of her voice, and wondered if
perhaps she was plotting his downfall. He wanted her with a fierce passion and it wouldn t
take much to push him over the edge.
Brandon stood, knowing it was best for him to leave now. Hanging around could result in
more damage than good.  Will you walk me to the door?
He reached for her hand and she didn t resist in giving it to him. When they reached her front
door he gazed at her, thinking he wouldn t be forgetting her for a long time.  Thanks again for
a beautiful evening and a very delicious dinner.
The smile that appeared on her face was genuine.  You are welcome. And then she leaned
up on tiptoes and brushed a kiss across his lips.  I ll see you at dinner tomorrow, Brandon.
Please leave a note at the front desk regarding where you want us to meet and when.
Brandon held her gaze for a moment, and then nodded before turning to walk down the
walkway to his car.
B randon glanced at the table that sat in the middle of the floor. Room service had done an
outstanding job of making sure his orders were followed. He wanted Cassie to see the
brilliantly set table the moment she arrived.
He had tried contacting Parker earlier today to let him know his trip hadn t revealed anything
about Cassie that they didn t already know. He shook his head, thinking that he stood
corrected on that. There was a lot about her that he knew now that he hadn t known before,
but as far as he was concerned it was all good, definitely nothing that could be used against
Parker s secretary had told him that his friend had taken a couple of days off to take his wife
Anna to New York for shopping and a Broadway show, and wouldn t be returning until the
beginning of next week. Brandon couldn t help but smile every time he thought about how the
former Anna Cross had captured the heart of the man who had been one of Miami s most
eligible bachelors and most prominent businessman.
He turned at the sound of the knock on the door and quickly crossed the room. As he d
expected, she was on time. He opened the door to find Cassie standing there, and smiled
easily. As usual she looked good. Tonight her hair was hanging around her shoulders. He
studied her face and could tell she was wearing very little makeup, which was all that was
needed since she had such natural beauty.
His gaze slid down her body. She was no longer wearing the business suit he had seen her in
earlier that day when he had caught a glimpse of her before she had stepped into an elevator.
Instead she had changed into a flowing, slinky animal-print dress that hugged at the hips
before streaming down her figure. A matching jacket was thrown over her arm. A pair of
black leather boots were on her feet, but how far up her legs they went he couldn t tell due to
the tea-length of her dress. He knew she was wearing the boots more for a fashion statement
than for the weather.
 May I come in?
He pulled his gaze back to her face and returned her smile.  Yes, by all means.
Her fragrance filled his nostrils when she strolled by him and after closing the door he stood
there and stared at her with his hands shoved in the pockets of his trousers. He had placed
them there so he wouldn t be tempted to reach out and pull her into his arms. That temptation
was becoming a habit. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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