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quiet. To Tocohl, it was clear that Maggy needed some time to herself, to
think things out. So Tocohl took the opportunity to catch the rest she still
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At long last, she was awakened by Maggy s urgent pinging, and by the more
urgent rocking of the arachne at her side.
(What is it, Maggy?)
(They re here.)
(They made good time. That s a lot sooner than I d expected.) Tocohl sighed.
Rubbing her hands over her face, she tried to compose herself. When simply
waking didn t achieve that end, she began a
Methven ritual.
Maggy, uncharacteristically, interrupted. (Tocohl,) she said, in what would
have been exasperation in anyone else s voice, (we could skip. I can
have the skiff in and out before they can get Kejesli s permission
to land.)
A flash of lightning lit the door membrane to an eerie glow. Tocohl pointed an
elbow. (In that?)
(I ll risk it.)
(There s no need. I told you before, Maggy: I pay my debts.)
(Yes, but )
(No buts.) She looked fondly at the arachne. (But I appreciate the offer.)
Again Maggy made no reply. Then she said, (I like you too, Tocohl very much.)
In response, Tocohl laid her hand on the fat body of the arachne, caressing it
(Why did you do that?)
Tocohl glanced at her hand, drew it away. (Hellspark gestural reflex,) she
said, (affectionate feelings expressed in touch.)
(Like you hug Geremy when you see him?)
(Just so.)
(Put up your hood.)
Tocohl cocked her head to look inquiringly at the arachne. (Why?)
(It s a surprise,) said Maggy. (Put up your hood.)
Puzzled, Tocohl did so. A second or so later, when the hood had molded to her
face and sealed itself, Tocohl felt a phantom weight on her lap. She glanced
down, aware that the sensation was Maggy manipulating the 2nd skin but
wondering at the purpose of it. The phantom, very gingerly, leaned against
Laughing, Tocohl closed her eyes and concentrated on the feel of it: a small
form had perched itself on her lap and leaned fondly against her. Small arms
encircled her waist, careful to avoid the injured rib, a head leaned against
her cheek a head complete to tickling curls. The phantom gave her a shy,
childlike hug.
(Oh, Maggy,) she said. Even in subvocalization, it came out a husky whisper.
Then in reflex, her arms closed around the phantom to find, to the doubling of
her surprise, that Maggy had thought of that too.
Her 2nd skin limited her movement to where the child s body would have been.
Her arms found small sharp child shoulders to hug in return. The illusion was
broken only by the lack of sensation in her bare hands. That, she ignored;
concentrating on the presence, she gave a second hug.
Then the weight was abruptly gone. Tocohl opened her eyes to find them
stinging with the start of tears. Her lap was, as she had known all along,
The soft voice in her implant said, (Did I do right?)
(Yes,) said Tocohl, unable to say more.
(The sensors said so but Are you going to cry?)
Tocohl grinned. (Actually, I m not sure. But it s nothing to worry about if I
do. It s a normal reaction to strong emotion, even strong positive emotion.
No, in fact, I have this horrible feeling I m going to start giggling.)
(That would be better.)
And that did it: Tocohl did indeed start giggling. (Maggy, why in
the world did you opt for a child-sized impression?)
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(You said I was three, and Buntec calls me  kid. )
(Ah, that makes perfect sense then.) Tocohl grinned foolishly at the
arachne. (For a kid, you re something special.)
(Thank you,) said Maggy, and her tone retained little of her previous
A shout for the door startled them both. Tocohl s hands dropped to her lap,
the arachne hopped to the side where it could see beyond her.
Layli-layli calulan gave Kejesli a fierce look of remonstrance, cutting off a
second shout.
He charged across the room, clearly agitated, and skidded to a halt beside
her.  Tocohl. This place has suddenly become like festival. I have six
Hellsparks waiting in orbit for permission to land, one of them a byworld
judge by the name of Nevelen Darragh, who says you sent for them.
Despite the fact that he had kept his voice low, Alfvaen had awakened and
heard it all. She sat up in her cot, wide-eyed and openmouthed, using both
hands to fend off layli-layli s attentions.
Tocohl met her eyes, glanced away. To Kejesli, she said,  I did.
 All right then, said Kejesli,  I ll grant them permission to land.
Alfvaen slid off her cot to intercept him before he could reach the comunit.
 Wait, Captain. I want to know  She did not complete the thought. Eyes
narrowing, she moved to Tocohl s side with quick, cautious steps; Kejesli
followed, drawn by her manner.  Tocohl, she began.
 Yes, Tocohl said,  it s me they ve come to judge.
 Then you re not a judge after all.
Tocohl glanced at swift-Kalat just in time to watch a look of horror spread [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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