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She threw her head back, moaning loudly. Her fingers knotted in his hair, urging him
Her breath caught in her throat when his tongue ran down to her core and slid in
smoothly. His thumb gently circled her clit slowly, using her juices to heighten every
In and out his tongue moved in a rhythm that had her gripping his hair, panting,
moaning and half-screaming his name. Her orgasm caught her off guard. One minute
she was panting and the next she was undulating her hips and screaming his name
until her voice was raw.
Jason pressed a quick kiss to her stomach. "Come here," he said tightly.
Still trying to catch her breath, Haley sat up. Jason stepped between her legs, keeping
them separated as he leaned down and took her mouth in a hungry kiss that stole
whatever sanity she had left. She ran her hands through his hair and down his back
only stopping to work his shorts off.
As soon as his erection was freed she gave up on the shorts and took him in hand.
Jason moaned long and loud in her mouth as he worked to remove his shorts, careful
not to dislodge her hand.
Without a word he picked her up. Haley wrapped her legs around him, loving the way
he felt. She shifted in his arms until his hard erection was pressed firmly against her
wet core.
Jason gripped her bottom, teasing her slit with the tips of his fingers as he moved
them through the water. Haley was so caught up in what they were doing that she
didn't realize they were out of the water until he placed her on a lounge chair.
He released his hold on her to half kneel on the lounge near her face. "Open up,
sweetheart," he said, casually stroking himself, rubbing the head across her lips.
Haley leaned over and took him into her mouth without hesitation. She reached up
and gently gripped his firm balls as he leaned over and slid two fingers inside of her.
"That's it, my little grasshopper," he encouraged hoarsely.
She loved doing this for him, loved the way he felt, tasted and moaned. She pulled her
mouth away so she could run her tongue up his cock and tease his slit. He hissed in a
breath when she took him back in her mouth, sucking him harder. She was going to
come soon and she was determined to take him with her. She added her other hand,
knowing how much he loved that as she absently rode his fingers. This was so good....
"Not tonight," Jason said suddenly, pulling away.
"What?" she asked in a daze as he moved to lie down on top of her. Her confusion
quickly turned to pleasure as he rubbed himself between her legs.
Smiling, she pulled him down for a kiss. He kissed her leisurely as he shifted on top of
her. When she felt the hard velvet head of his erection tease her core she gasped into
his mouth.
"Do you like that?" Jason asked as he teased her folds.
"Yes," she hissed when he teased her clit.
"Do you want me?" he whispered against her mouth, placing the tip of his erection
against her core once again. This time he gently thrust his hips, teasing her.
Did she?
She loved him and all this waiting was killing her. It no longer mattered what the
future held. She wanted him now.
"Yes." The word was barely out of her mouth when Jason thrust forward.
A small cry escaped her as he rammed all the way home. She was barely aware of the
kisses he was pressing against her face or how he wrapped his arms around her and
held her tightly. The only thing that registered in her mind was the pain from being
split in two.
It hurt so much. She squeezed her eyes shut, hoping it would get better. It didn't.
Jason continued to thrust into her, taking her cries and the way she dug her nails into
his back as encouragement.
Just when she thought she couldn't take any more he stilled on top of her and
Well, she thought as he pressed a tender kiss to her forehead, she knew the first time
was going to hurt. Granted it probably wouldn't have hurt if she'd talk to him about
this before they did it, but they'd been caught up in the moment. It was better this
way, more romantic. She liked the idea of her first time being a result of being out of
Okay, so it had hurt....bad, but it was over now and Haley was glad.
She pressed a kiss to his damp forehead.
Jason chuckled, leaning back to press a kiss to the tip of her nose.
"I knew it," he said, panting.
"Knew what?" she asked confused.
He brushed his lips against hers.
"I knew they were full of shit when they said you wouldn't sleep with me."
Chapter 20
Jason couldn't help smiling as he looked down at his little grasshopper. Not only had
he proved that Haley loved him, but that had been the hottest sex of his life. She'd
been so unbelievably hot and wet and so fucking tight he'd almost exploded when he'd
entered her.
The last two months had definitely been worth the wait. Sex had never felt so good
before. Just thinking about how good it was had his cock hardening for more.
"Get off me!" Haley said, shoving him away.
Confused as hell, Jason moved off of her.
"What's wrong?"
"You had sex with me because someone told you I wouldn't have sex with you? You
had sex to prove someone wrong?" she damn near yelled.
He held his hands up in a placating manor, hoping to calm her down, but dropped
them when he remembered she couldn't see.
"It's not like that!"
"Oh? Then no one told you I wouldn't sleep with you?"
He ran a hand through his hair, wondering how this had gone bad so fast. "Look," he
sighed, "maybe we should go inside and talk about this."
"Now? Now you want to talk about this?" she demanded, trying to walk past him and
almost falling into the pool. He quickly caught her. As soon as she was steady, she
shoved his hands away and cautiously walked around the pool.
"I can't believe you did this!"
That caught him short. "What the hell do you mean? How exactly was this a surprise?
I'm your fucking boyfriend, Haley. This was bound to happen sooner or later with the
way we were going at each other."
"Just because we're dating doesn't mean I was going to sleep with you!" she snapped.
Holy shit.....
They'd been right.
"You were never planning on sleeping with me were you?" he demanded, not bothering
to hide how pissed he was.
"I wasn't sure yet! Up until ten minutes ago I hadn't made up my mind!"
He rounded the pool just as Haley found her glasses and put them on.
"You were fucking playing me?" he demanded.
When she didn't answer he continued. "Your friends were right. You were getting a
kick out of playing me!" he yelled, for the first time since he met her not caring that
he made her flinch.
"Did you brag that you brought me to my knees and kept me panting? Was this [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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