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 No. Never.
Page 176
The Lies That Bind
 Well, let me give you a little tip. If you scratch a cat right above her tail, she ll
shake it like it s electrified. My next question was going to be about pulling on
the skin over your shoulder blades. A male bites right there when he s going
to mount her. Sometimes, a cat will bite and snap at you when you scratch her
With a sexy smile playing at her mouth, Erin said,  I promise never to snap at
you when you mount me. I m sure I d purr, though. And if the mood strikes me,
I might bite, but I don t think you ll mind. She leaned forward and nibbled on
Katie s neck, making her squeal and try to wrench away. Erin held her tightly,
continuing to nibble and lick until Katie was shrieking for her to stop.  I guess
you re ticklish, huh? Erin asked, not looking sorry in the least.
 Not very! Katie pulled her shirt down and pushed her hair from her eyes.
 But that was fantastic foreplay. Make a note.
 I don t need a note. I want to kiss and lick and touch every part of you. No
one has to remind me of that. Her voice was low and soft, and the sexual vibes
pouring from Erin made Katie squirm.
She gently pushed Erin away and took several deep breaths.  You re not shy,
are you?
 I told you I wasn t. Erin s head hadn t moved, and her gaze was nearly
Katie turned away, giggling.  You can t look at me that way, Erin! You make
me want to climb into your lap and have my way with you.
 Who s stopping you?
Taking Erin s head in her hands, Katie turned it so there was no chance of eye
contact.  I m stopping me. Just barely, I might add.
Looking straight ahead, Erin leaned over and rested her torso on Katie.  How
about a little push?
 Not just yet. She wrapped her arms around Erin s shoulders and pulled her
down into her lap.  I don t know what you do, but it s very hard to stay on track
when you touch me like you do. You re very dangerous.
 May I ask a question?
 Yesss, Katie replied, drawing out the s.
 Why do you have your  no sex rule?
 I told you. Once I start having sex, I get very invested. It s so much harder
if things don t work out. I ve had more experience in this area, and trust me, it
sucks to break up when you think you could ve fallen in love.
 I know that, even though it s only happened to me once.
 So, you get my point?
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Susan X Meagher
 No. Erin disentangled herself from Katie s grip and sat up to face her.  It
would be very hard for me if you decided not to see me anymore. I m sure it
would be harder and harder the longer we re together, but I don t think having
sex would make it that much worse. Actually, I think sex can help us know we re
right for each other.
 Ooh, you must have been with men. You ve got the logic down.
 Logic is logic, no matter which sex spouts it.
Katie took Erin s hand and kissed it.  I don t want to frustrate you. I really
don t. I just believe this is right for me. You understand that, don t you?
 Absolutely. I m just giving you my view. And I don t want to give you
the impression that I want to have sex just for release. I want to have it to
communicate with you.
 In Braille?
 No. With my heart. She flipped their clasped hands and brought them to her
chest.  You re better at expressing things with words. I m not as extemporaneous
as you are. Sometimes, I have to think about things and ponder them a little
before I m sure what I think or feel.
 Yeah, I see that. And I m sorry if I push you too much to tell me things before
you re ready.
 That s fine. We ll learn how to accommodate each other. That s part of the
fun of falling in love.
Solemn-faced, Katie looked into Erin s eyes.  Do you think you re falling in
love with me?
Slowly, Erin nodded her head.  I do. And as soon as you re ready, I want to tell
you how I feel about you with my body.
Katie took hold of the fabric of Erin s robe and pulled her closer.  You didn t
learn that from a guy. That came from here. She patted the peach-colored fleece
that covered Erin s heart.
The Delancy women had changed Brad s high school-boy room into a cheery
guest room. Erin led Katie up to the room once they both started to yawn more
than talk.  This is nice, Katie said.  Am I going to sleep in here alone?
 I thought you d want to.
 I think I do. She took Erin in her arms and hugged her close.  Thanks for
telling me more about you. Lifting her head, she smiled broadly.  I love hearing
about you and all of the things that make you tick.
 I hope you don t feel pressured about sex. I really don t want to do that. I m
just trying to be honest and say what I m thinking.
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